Love the colours, love the style of applique with leaf shapes as well as round and sometimes oval shaped beads.

Love the cross in the centre of the second one … and I am not going to try to pick a favourite amongst these two.
read moreLove the colours, love the style of applique with leaf shapes as well as round and sometimes oval shaped beads.
Love the cross in the centre of the second one … and I am not going to try to pick a favourite amongst these two.
read moreTwo shapes arranged and rearranged to create two different block designs, add a simple quilting motif and the design above is what you get.
Simplify the more complex block design and add a dozen of them around the outer row of blocks leaving just four of the simpler block.
read moreInteresting mixture of bead shapes in this project file.
I like the second design best … I think.
read moreLots and lots of little applique beads!
Not quite so many little applique beads, but more quilting.
read moreGran’s New Beads are a very mixed bag of beads … round, diamonds, teardrops, ovals … and they form strings and clusters, both for applique and quilting designs.
Tangled up together they make Strings of Beads, Double Wedding Rings, clusters and starbursts and pretty much anything you like.
read moreNice.
This project file features beads of many colours, shapes and sizes, unlike the traditional String of Beads design.
Love the second one … a very interesting arrangement.
read moreLove it.
In this project file I am playing with beads of different shapes and sizes, then using the blocks as both applique blocks and quilting motifs. The first design uses a lot more quilted than applique beads.
The second design makes uses of lots of identical blocks with just one focal block, but there is more variation in the quilting motifs.
read moreLove this one!
Happy New Year … and as this year gets underway I am about to start some new virtual projects, using the blocks I have been sorting during the last year.
First though, we are still catching up with family and friends we have not seen for a long time!
I started playing with these new blocks last year, and couldn’t wait to start sharing them, but there are a few virtual quilt designs still to share, and a lot more to find in future play sessions.
read moreLove the design above, and particularly love the block without the beaded frame.
In the second design I love the quilted beaded circle surrounding that same block design.
read moreI have had adding some different beads to the String of Beads, and after slaving over the challenge I allowed myself some play time. I have added five new shapes so far, and some varying sizes.
I had a thought that I would make each different bead shape a different colour … that thought lasted about ten minutes and several new block designs before I broke that rule!
As soon as I started designing the quilts I started modifying the block designs to create the quilting motifs to fit around the applique.
Don’t know why I put off starting this ...
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